Comics You Should Be Reading: Green Wake

Whether you're looking for a comic with psychological or supernatural themes, or just feel like something other than a superhero book, you should be reading Green Wake. Kurtis Wiebe and Riley Rossmo's title has grown to be one of my favorite titles on the market. Here's why.

Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #1

He's the best at what he does. And what he run the Jean Grey Academy? Professor Wolverine is kind of a catchy name, but I at least hope that his professoring isn't very nice. Check out our take on the latest adventures of Sniktbub and his crazy crew of X-Men here. Bub.

10 Comics That Would Make Great Cartoons

Comics and cartoons go together like a Batman and his current Robin. Cartoons adapted from comic books have a long history of being great, and we here at the 52 Review welcome more of them. Here are 10 comic books we think deserve their own animated series.

Review: Spaceman #1

Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso team up again for the 9 issue Vertigo miniseries Spaceman. 100 Bullets is a tough act to follow. Does Spaceman measure up? Find out what we thought of the first issue here, or take advantage of the $1 pricetag and try it for yourself.

Review: The Flash #2

The first issue of The Flash blew us away. Does the second one measure up to the early promise of the series? Or is Barry Allen already starting to slow down? Find out what we thought of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato's second issue here.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My 10 Most Anticipated DCnU Comics (And Why I'm So Excited For Them)

With more than a month to go before the release of the first DCnU comic, there's not much to do besides think about how good or bad these comics might be. I really like keeping track of my initial thoughts about something before it comes out. It's fun for me to see where I really called it and where I really missed the mark. Before a new television series starts, I often make predictions as to how well they'll do, and I guess this feature is sort of like that, on a larger scale. I have a lot more to say about some books than others, but I have plenty of opinions about everything DC's putting out, and I plan to voice them all.

I'm a positive person, and it's always more fun for me to talk about things I'm genuinely excited about it. These are all titles I really want to see succeed, and I hope that in talking about why I think they'll be great I'm able to drum up a little enthusiasm for them among others. There are a lot of books I think have promise, but these are the ten that, more than any others, I really can't wait to get a chance to read.

1. Action Comics

Superman is one of my all-time favorite characters. Grant Morrison is one of my all-time favorite comic writers. It doesn't get much better than this, folks! The cover pictured above is very likely to be pictured on my wall, and every time Morrison's talked about his plans for the comic, he's managed to raise my already very high excitement levels to a fever pitch. Superman as a champion for the socially oppressed? Yes please! A comics with so much going on that there are no scene cuts in the entire issue? OH GOD WHY CAN'T THIS COMIC COME OUT ALREADY.

There's a part of me that wishes Grant Morrison would keep writing Batman forever. He's introduced so much to the Bat mythos, and I feel like a lot of that will never be fully explored, even with Batman Inc. coming back next year. But All-Star Superman has shown that combining Supes and Morrison results in pure comics joy, and if he can recapture even a little of that magic for this book, I'm sure it'll be one of my favorites every month.

By Marceline with No comments

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Submit a Review

I want this site to offer a diverse range of opinions, so if you'd like to review one of DC's new comics, I'd love to post that review here. Just email a copy of your review to along with the name you'd like the review credited to and any pictures you'd like to be used. If I need to make any changes, I'll contact you and get your approval before posting the review up.

By Marceline with 1 comment

Contact Me

If you have any questions for me or about the site, feel free to leave a message here or email me at I'll respond as soon as I can!

By Marceline with 2 comments

About This Site

I love comic books. I have for as long as I can remember, and I suspect I'll keep on loving them no matter what the comic industry throws at me. I enjoy books from many different publishers, including Image, Marvel, and Dark Horse, but DC has always had the top place in my heart. They gave me Batman, the character who helped me to stay passionate about cape comics year after year. They gave me Booster Gold, and helped me to love and appreciate the company's entire roster of B and C list heroes. They gave me Superman, who took me way too long to appreciate, but who is now an inspiration to me on a daily basis. And then they told me that everything was going to change.

The news of the DC relaunch came as I was going through a rough time in my life, and as a result of this, my response wasn't particularly positive. I wanted my comics to be my constant, something I could count on with the rest of my life was falling apart. The idea that characters I loved might change until they were unrecognizable or vanish from continuity altogether was painful to me. I didn't want to lose the history of Young Justice or the Justice Society of America. I didn't want Babs to stop being Oracle or for Mr. Terrific to lose his wonderful jacket. It was just too much change, and I was miserable about it.

But somewhere in the flood of new announcements, my feelings about the relaunch began to change. I still thought all the lines on the new costumes looked silly, and I still thought they were wasting years worth of potential stories, but in the midst of all these feelings I started to feel some excitement. Part of this was due to the contagious enthusiasm I saw in creator interviews, but something else had started to form in my head. A challenge.

And so, I decided that I would read every single one of the new 52 comics, and review them as well. I also decided that I wanted to encourage others to do the same thing, and to try and collect as many reviews of these new comics as I possibly could.

52 issues is an awful lot of comics, and I imagine I won't be reviewing many of them past the first issue. But I'm committed to giving each of these new comics a chance, and to keep on reviewing them for as long as I'm reading them. If people enjoy this site, I may even branch out into reviewing more than just new DC comics.

I fully expect to hate some of DC's new comics. But I'm pretty sure I'll like or just plain feel neutral to a whole lot more, and I imagine I'll love a couple of them too. No matter what, I want to have a whole lot of fun with the DCnU, and I hope that the books make this challenge worthwhile.

By Marceline with 1 comment

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